Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wrapping up year one...

As Diana nears her first birthday this July 16th, we are enjoying every minute of month 11! Sure, our house is filled with lots of great toys and our backyard always has a duck or squirrel to point at, but when you're on the go like Di is now, you want new adventures and new experiences! Lately, we've noticed that our newly mobile little girl needs outlets for her energy, so we've been having fun getting out and about as June ends and July begins.

First up: My Gym in Coral Springs - Aunt Jo and I took her to her first "Tiny Tykes" class last Wednesday and she had an absolute ball during circle time and even went in a swing that the teachers pushed her back and forth across the room in! We'll be going every week to learn new things and play with other energetic toddlers.

Diana has been to the beach a few times now and we've started to take advantage of living only 10 minutes away. Last Thursday we met Matthew, Alex and cousin Roman right down the street at Deerfield Beach for a morning of sun, sand and splashing in the waves. Diana was so tired she fell asleep with sand all over her in the car on the way home - uh oh! Right into the bath when she woke up later that afternoon!
We also went to visit my good friend Rach at her grandpa's beach condo in Delray this past Monday afternoon - she was in for a quick visit from New York and it was SO good to see her! We managed to sneak in some beach time in between rain drops.

And last but not least, we spent some wonderful downtime with both sides of the family for 4th of July - Di's first! Danny had to work and study Saturday, so we packed up the diaper bag and headed to Weston to spend the day with Grandpa Ron, Grandma Susie, Uncle Brandon, Aunt Jo, Great Grandma Ann and Great Grandpa Manny. We had a nice, relaxing day swimming in the jacuzzi and watching old family videos (including MY first birthday party in 1983!) Here's a video of Di hanging with the fam in Weston, hamming it up as usual!

On Sunday, we had the Muzzarellis over our place for a BBQ to celebrate Linda's birthday. We gave Danny's mom a break from cooking and fired up our grill with everything from corn on the cob to hamburgers to vegan Tofurky sausage. After dinner and cake, I brought Diana outside to see fireworks from the back porch. As we expected, she wasn't scared in the least and even made little popping noises to imitate the fireworks!

We've really been having a great time this summer seeing the world through Diana's eyes and introducing her to new things almost every day. Preparations are underway for her 1st birthday party next weekend and we really can't wait!

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