Monday, April 19, 2010

Where did the time go?

It's hard to believe it, but Diana turned 9 months old this past Friday. As Danny said, "She's been out now as long as she was in!" Funny, but true : )  I feel like we were just doing around the clock feedings and 10 diapers changes a day and now she's on the brink of walking, trying foods almost every day and is evolving into a little person! Amazing how that happens right before your eyes.
We had her 9 month check up last week at the doc, she's healthy and wonderful! Here are a few cool milestones we've hit in the past month:
  • She's gone from pulling up to standing to standing up by herself and balancing!
  • Those bottom two teeth are finally in and (I hope) teething pain is behind us
  • She's not content to just sit and play, we've hit that stage where she is starting to crawl everywhere! No more putting her down to answer an e-mail for 5 minutes and she stays put - instead, I turn my attention elsewhere for a minute and I see two little legs crawling out the door of the room and into the hallway. I'm told life gets even crazier when they start to walk!
  • We have a mini "foodie" on our hands! She insists on trying everything on mom and dads plates, from eggplant parm to olives to Italian bread dipped in olive oil to oatmeal cookies!
  • She plays with her toys in a whole new way - she recognizes scenes from her Baby Einstein DVDs and laughs at the characters, turns pages in books and gets (very!) mad if you take a toy away for any reason. Uh oh, mini diva on our hands!
  • Besides "dada" which she's been saying for a few months (I'm still waiting on "mama!") we're pretty sure the "bup" she keeps saying is "up." Her second word!
We can't wait to see what month 10 brings!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's been out as long as she's been in (love that!). What a precious little girl!! That first picture kills me, CUTE. :)
