Wednesday, May 26, 2010

28 feels a lot closer to 30 than 27!

I think once you hit 25, the years just kind of start to go faster. All of the sudden, here I am, married with a baby and turning 28 - where did the time go? In some ways, I feel like I just graduated college! To make matters worse, Danny is a year younger than me, so he incessantly teases me that I will be the one to turn 30 first. Very funny.

Here are a few pictures from my 28th birthday weekend. It started off this past Saturday with Danny, Di and I going to one of our favorite breakfast spots, Panera Bread in Boca Center. Then Danny and I got to do something we rarely do these days - go out to dinner by ourselves! Danny's parents came over to babysit Di and we headed to Sublime, a vegan, organic restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale - so delicious! I hadn't been there in about 5 years and Danny had never been. We had a great time drinking wine, savoring the food and enjoying an hour and a half of adult conversation. 

Sunday was just about relaxing in the morning as a family - Danny made a delicious omelet for breakfast and we hung out and watched Diana practice her new favorite activity - walking and getting into everything! Our families then came over and we had a great, noisy dinner like we always do, topped off with key lime birthday pie - my favorite!

It was so nice to spend the weekend celebrating and I'm looking forward to the coming year!

(Pictures from top, left to right: I get some help from Danny & Diana blowing out the candles on my key lime pie, Sublime restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale, the delicious fire-roasted artichoke appetizer we shared, Ron with his grandog Henry, Grandma Ann, Aunt Jo & Gigi at my birthday celebration, Gary, Matthew & Grandpa Manny relax on the couch, Alex and cousin Roman hang out on our porch, Brandon & Sarah in the kitchen)

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