Monday, May 10, 2010

Pancakes and a clean garage - a perfect Mother's Day indeed!

So now I get what all the fuss is about on Mother's Day - us moms are a hard working bunch! Moms really do 'do it all' and we do it with unconditional love. I was very excited to be a part of the mommies club this year and although I think about it every day of the year, I looked at little Di and thought once again how she has changed our lives in the most special and amazing way.

Mom's day started pretty normal - walking the dogs, putting on coffee, changing diapers, etc...then Danny and Diana got to work in the kitchen, making me the most delicious Lemon Ricotta Pancakes. What a treat! Breakfast is usually a cup of coffee and a granola bar so it was very nice to have an actual sit down breakfast as a family (even Stanley and Henry enjoyed a bite of fluffy pancake!) Next up was my gift - one of them anyway. Danny (and Diana!) made me a Shutterfly mom's day album with about 75 pictures of me and little Di and a poem that he wrote - it was adorable! It really did bring tears to my eyes. I know I'll have many more Mother's Days but the first one is very special. I was blown away by how much time and effort putting together the album must've taken my wonderful hubby.

By lunchtime, the chaos began! One of the things we've been trying to do since moving in last summer was clean out our garage - it had gotten so cluttered in the months that we've lived here that I couldn't even get to things on the wall opposite the garage door. I told Danny that nothing would make me happier than an organized and CLEAN garage for Mother's Day. I think it's a woman thing to actually enjoy the all day organizing process!! Our families arrived and we all rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Danny's parents, my mom and Brandon, Grandma and Aunt Jo all helped us pull everything out, clean and organize. What a job! I am so thankful to everyone - I can now find everything I need to get to including toys, suitcases, Diana's stroller and my car even fits now - if that isn't a Mother's Day gift, I don't know what is!!

After the all afternoon cleaning frenzy, Matthew, Alex & Roman arrived and we grilled veggie burgers and hot dogs and sat down to eat together. A perfect end to a perfect Mother's Day!
(Pictures: Top: Danny, Diana, Stan and Henry cook up breakfast for mom Bottom: My mom in our very clean and organized garage)

Next up...we head to Orlando this Friday for Diana's first trip to Disney World : )

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great 1st Mothers Day.
    We wish you many more and can not wait to see you.
